Sort of a rant but I feel like I'm failing as in tech support.

As I don't work in IT (yet), I cannot give specific advice on your position, however...

"I almost just want to take a low paying mindless job so I don't have to do all this thinking."

Make sure that "almost" stays in that sentence. Why? Because I have one of those mindless, low paying jobs and have had the same mindless, low paying job for around 4 years now. I am a security guard at a well-known software engineering company and short of having to walk around the campus a few times per shift, the rest of my day is either spent browsing the internet or studying. I have a bachelor's degree in environmental science and since earning it last summer, I still haven't been able to find a quality job. I feel that this is probably because jobs in that field are few and far between and that my degree taught me a wide range of shallow knowledge rather than going in depth in a given area. Anyway, I am now spending my time studying to get my CCNA, as well as A+ and MCSA in an attempt to make myself marketable for an entry level IT/networking position.

I know all too well the feeling of having to answer a phone, not knowing who is on the other end or what they want until I am in the spot light, and then feeling like a complete idiot when I can't help them (usually because my company has failed to provide me with the necessary information). It sucks, I know. However, I also have zero desire to be better at my job because my job is basically being a roving human surveillance camera and could be done by any idiot that possesses basic motor functions and literacy. In short, my job is insulting to my intelligence.

Anyway, what I am getting at is that I would love nothing more than to land a job in IT, even doing something like what you are doing. I know the grass is always greener on the other side, but I think the constant pressure would force me to learn so much and to better myself on a professional level. I'm sure it's quite stressful working in a high pressure environment like that but I think it's probably worse to know that your job is completely pointless and that if you stopped showing up for work it wouldn't make any difference whatsoever.

TL;DR: A stressful and intellectually challenging job > an easy, mindless job.

/r/ITCareerQuestions Thread