SO's life is falling apart; I don't know what to do. He is currently on the bed steaming and I'm on the floor browsing TrollX. HIF....

So, it's our first semester at University after transferring from community college. The school is kicking his ass and worshipping mine, it seems. I got into a "house" dedicated for my major consisting of only 27 students at my university. I've been vastly improving in my major and I'm super excited to be here.

On the other hand, he was seriously struggling to adjust. He found out that his major is not implied or guaranteed. He asked if it was last year when we were deciding schools to transfer to, and the office said it wasn't competitive. Turns out, it is. Also, he's had to drop a class he loved in order to focus on his major because it was taking up too much of his time. That was tough enough. He went into academic probation and gave up an all-expense trip in doing this (he won it earlier in the semester).

Additionally, he just failed a HUGE test (worth 40% of his grade) in another class. I take the class too and the teacher is insane with grading. I had the highest grade on the exam which was a C. .... Basically, every time he thinks he is doing okay here, something happens to him and this last case broke him.

I've been with him for three years now and I've never seen him raise his voice even an inch, and we have been through A LOT. He yelled out in frustration today. No, not at me. At the world. It was terrible to watch. He yanked his hand away when I went to reassure him, with a quick, "I'm sorry, but not right now," in between.

I've encouraged him throughout these trials he's faced, but I just have no idea what to do at this point. He's only taking three classes now, one of which he's failing. ... and he still has no idea if he's going to be accepted into his major.

I'm currently on his dorm floor. He slept for three hours after we got back (while I did homework) and now he's just fuming. I don't know how to help. What do, trolls?

TLDR; Boyfriend having seriously hard time adjusting to new university. Fails huge exam worth 40%, which breaks him. Not sure how to help.

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