Sounds about right

… no? I must have worded that badly, sorry. I meant that at the peak of the BLM movement you would often hear conservatives say things like “BLM is protesting the police killing black people but they’re not protesting black people killing black people. How hypocritical!” Clearly, that’s a terrible argument, since they’re very different issues, but people who were against BLM incorrectly conflated the two because they were somewhat related insofar as they both had to do with black lives. Saying “what about black on black crime” is dumb and isn’t going to change the opinion of anyone who supports BLM — pretty sure we agree there. The comparison I was drawing was that saying “what about foster care” to someone who’s pro-life isn’t going to have any effect on their opinion about abortion, even to those who do care about the state of foster care (unlike the person in the screenshot, apparently).

Anyway, didn’t expect this to be such a controversial comment so I think I’ll just head out now. Have a good one.

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