I know this sounds ridiculous, but how can I stop feeling guilty about spoiling myself with “good food?”

Well, hold on - if you're worried about a second wave, why not stock up right now? Although not ideal, there are no profound shortages right now, and you can easily buy enough of the foods you like to have a buffer? If you're cooking, you can certainly buy 50-100 lbs of flour and sugar, several pounds of yeast, etc. To avoid becoming a part of the problem, buy from restaurant supply stores - right now, they're drowning in stock and you'd actually be helping them.

Similarly, if you're not much of a cook, you can certainly get a lot of frozen meals, sweet & savory snacks, instant stuff like oatmeal and Ramen, lots of cans, etc.

Your long-term preps should include comfort foods, because if the situation is otherwise miserable, there's no reason to make it worse. And yeah, it costs money, but it's not gonna go to waste - "worst-case", if your predictions don't come true, you can skip groceries for several months while you liquidate this stockpile.

Unless I'm really misunderstanding what you're saying.

/r/preppers Thread