A Soviet poster from 1944 depicting legions of German soldiers fated to die in the Russian winter thanks to Hitler's orders.

Did university work on this.

Stalingrad was insane. Hitler literally sent some of his troops away, then called them back when he started to see victory wasnt as close as he thought(and his generals had been telling him for "eons" that they were gonna die, but he ignored them, he knew better than the people on the field, of course!) but it was waay too late. This pretty much means he sent soldiers away from battle in the middle of it, then told them to come back once the rest of the army was fucked up just so they could als die alone.

Just imagine in LoTR, the armies are all there but Rohan, but when Rohan come, they are told to leave by Aragorn to go caputure some other asset, and then halfway towards their new destination, after the rest of the army, which was outnumbered because half of it has been sent away is dead/captured, Aragorn call them back to also die in a fight they are vastly ounumbered in.

Its beyond stupidity. Hitler was a bad strategist to say the least. Thats what happen when an egoistical, uneducated narcissist is made to think he has the answers to everything by people with the power and authority to make him into a "king".

/r/interestingasfuck Thread Link - i.redd.it