Why spamming support in lower brackets might not work

This is true. I was 3k before I stopped playing then I went back to play again in pandemic because some of my friends started playing. I recalibrated to Archon V then had a hard time climbing up with our 3 stack(they were guardian and herald). I play support so that’s what I played when I am with them but we can’t win no matter how much early leads we get(which is not that often because my friend was somewhat passive in lane). I started playing solo again some months ago and I am almost 4k now on solo while the herald player is still in herald(he has 3k games now idk whats wrong. He sometimes goes up to guardian 1 but cant climb out of it)

Now I’m a player who wants to rank but also wants to play with friends so I borrowed my cousin’s guardian account so that I can play with them without sacrificing my mmr. I’m admittedly bad at playing carry but now that account is crusader 2 while my friend is still in guardian 3 even though all my mmr is when I am with them. Now he plays support so he can just afk and ward sometimes lol. Watching his games I see that heralds and guardians tend to waste a lot of time not hitting creeps but when they hit their timings they don’t fight and still continue to jungle. Very weird

/r/learndota2 Thread