Speaking of time...The Reutlinger Watch. The watch has a “mistake” on it. Where the VIII (8) is supposed to be, instead there is a XIII (13). I know it’s been discussed, but the all the answers that I could find are rubbish. This has got to be a clue to something. No flippin way is it a “mistake”

Consider this mistake people. Every single other watch, clock, timepiece, chronometer, grandfather clock, and kuku clock in this game that I’ve seen, which is a shit ton....are all correct. Not a single mistake on them...and they all don’t mean a god damn thing to the story or the player. Most are just background bullshit. They are not mentioned or acknowledged whatsoever.

The one Watch in the entire game, the Reutlinger Watch, that’s actually part of a story mission, is talked about by an NPC, acknowled and commented on by Strauss...that’s the one timepiece in the entire game they fucked up on? Sounds pretty ricockulous to me. I mean...what kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do, to make that even remotely possible. Sorry you suck at mysteries.

/r/reddeadmysteries Thread Link - i.redd.it