Special counsel Robert Mueller asks for immunity for five potential witnesses in Paul Manafort trial

Seeing how my comment is the top rated one and your history is filled with low effort , low cognition non contributions especially at knee jerk subs and contexts of dogshit, I'm going to go ahead and say, son, if you didn't get the joke at the outset, you never will. For your account history appear to display fuckstick mcretardation, not of the highest sort, but of the most low effort. So you go figure it out and maybe the cognitive exercise will expand your horizons.

Good luck, and no, you do not get the last word, I do, because I've blocked you, which means any reply by you proves what's a fuckwit you're potentially embodied with your one word reply/query. Good luck . Based on. Your profile, though, you're gonna need a ton of homework done on situational awareness.

/r/Keep_Track Thread Parent