Speechwriter's Ex-Wife Claims He Drove Over Her Foot, As Second Domestic Violence Scandal In Days Rocks White House

Same girl I mentioned before would start hitting me etc. and stand in front of the door so that I couldn't leave. I'd literally have to push her to get myself the fuck out of the situation. Then she'd immediately bitch about my pushing her and completely deny the fact that she spent the last 10 minutes beating on me.

Once I got out the door I sprinted for the car and then she came and stood in front of it yelling at me.

Sorry. I've got a soft spot when I hear some shit like "he ran over my foot!" Do you have any idea how insane you have to be acting to get your foot run over? And again, having your foot run over doesn't actually hurt. Your foot has enough surface area to take 1/4 the weight of a car without harm.

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