Speed-peeling garlic

I did for a while, I am not a chef though, and I would not even say I'm a really good cook, I'm sorta OK. I kind of did it through necessity of a business I was kind off running and ended up doing it for a few years. I have worked with a few fantastic chefs but mainly just looking shit up on the j ternet honestly and trying hsha. I am passionate about for though and now that I'm out if that industry altigether do still spend an hour or more of my day cooking. Always at the farmers markets weekly and even do a bit of foraging locally to get samphire and shit. So yeah I did cook sort of orrifessionally for a bit, but no proper training and really overall know fuck all. We used to get chefs in to do deguststions to give the place something else And I would always volunteer to help free. I was already sort of paid to be there so. One time this guy brought in the huge box of sea urchins and got me to open them all, grossest job I swear, and we were a small place. I also wasn't his employee. He was fine around 2 hours and he came back and I asked were he had been he said he went and had lunch and slept on the beach hsha, wouldn't have been annoying if j weren't running the place and was actually employed for him and not just offering to help to learn stuff. I learned the inside of sea urchin is 5% of the time gross, and they don't taste that good. They shell is pretty though

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