Spells: have any of them worked for you? What are some good sites with instructions about spells?

Yes, the ones that counted, fucking worked. I'll give you a few examples. When I was at my parents house once, I did a huge spell to ward off harm to the whole house. It took me all day and I basically protected every inch of the house, from top to bottom. Cue a year later and their garage catches fire. The whole garage burnt down along with the fence and half the neighbor's yard. The house itself was "miraculously" spared. My dad, a devout catholic all his life, thanked God and his guardian angels repeatedly since then, not to mention the woo-woo my mom has gone through because of it.

Since that time, I knew I had an affinity for protection spells. I cast one on my entire immediate family, plus my grandmother, and since then they've survived: car accidents (major ones), hospital worthy bodily injuries, episodes that might have ended up as cardiac arrests, strokes or heart-attacks if they'd not been tended to sooner, at least three cases of drug/alcohol overdose gone wrong (right, in the context of them surviving vs what could have happened if they got what they wanted) and other various self-inflicted crap. For setting my own shit straight, I pretty much suck. As a protector of my, in my opinion (but clearly not the gods), sometimes undeserving family, I've found that I'm top notch! But hey, at least that's something, right?

/r/Wicca Thread