Spencer: I'd Hesitate to Look for a Studio That's Only Capable of Developing Games on One Device

Wow, you do have shitty friends if they only give you a dust collecting game if you pay for it. Might as well be friends with Gamestop.

If your friend is charging you tax, it might just be a Gamestop dude.

I'm talking about fo real broskies . Not employees paid to be friendly to you.

I'm glad you now agreed that the devs are in charge of split screen in games or not.

Happy to know that you agree that split screen affected sales. Also 343 is just making excuses. Split screen could have happened.

If MS didn't want to report Game Pass doing bad, they wouldn't say anything to begin with.

MS sets initial bar low. MS says it has surpassed said low bar.

"OMFG GP the netflix of gaming. "

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