Sperm donors who've met offspring produced by your donation, how has the experience been overall? Positive/ negative or neutral?

Hey, one of my best friends is a donor kid, so if it weren't for people like you, then people like her wouldn't exist. She's actually found 3 or 4 of her "siblings" though DNA tracing services, and she says it's funny how similar they all are and they keep in touch via email and see each other occasionally. She says she's obviously happy to exist and knowing she was a donor kid from the beginning was very normal to her - she has a good relationship with her parents otherwise. Not sure if she's ever met the donor or not, but she is not the type to reach out and bother him if he requested to not be contacted.

I think it's absolutely weird that any women would have a problem with this, as legally you won't be obligated to any of these kids if you don't want to be. You'd be giving people the opportunity to have kids that they otherwise might not have - I think it's a good and generous act.

/r/AskMen Thread