Spider-Man Homecoming - MEGATHREAD [Spoilers]

I don't have a screengrab in front of me, but I'm fairly certain that Civil War establishes itself as taking place in 2016. Or there's at least a general chronology between Winter Soldier, Age of Ultron and Civil War that puts them closer to the mid-decade range.

We still don't know when the first avengers took place. The movie came out in 2012. The movie could be before or after by a couple years.

Let's grant that Civil war happened in 2016. That still lines up with 8 years later easily enough. It speaks more to how long these movies have been going on than any sort of timeline fault.

re: Strange, I'm not the first to note how it has a lot in common with Iron Man, even if the third act is more extravagant

I'll give you that. It seemed that way by design in retrospect. Strange is going to replace the role of Iron Man here pretty soon.

But the most common factor of the 'Marvel formula' that people bring up is humour, arguing that the more dramatic moments are normally underscored with jokes that counteract the tension. Here I felt it did with scenes like the mid-credits scene where May finding out Peter's secret identity is played as a joke. Another could be 'lack of consequences'. While not everything is a-ok without disruption at the end of the film, he gets the suit with Karen back and Liz's moving away, but they never got the chance to be super close prior.

Add these to your review. It elaborates on what was otherwise vague points. I disagree, but at least I can respect the reasoning.

Again, it was a "holy shit the movie was perfect" but merely the fact that you compared it to the other SM movies as disfavorable really tells me that you just don't like the things that make marvel movies marvel movies. They are light-hearted romps where most serious moments are broken up with quips. Sure, if they had a joke while Peter was trying to lift a damn building off of himself then sure I'd agree. But the fact that so many things are taken lightheartedly just underscores the real serious moments such as Peter getting crushed. When even Peter loses his will to joke, it really grabs you as an audience member. In fact, that scene probably would have faltered if so much time wasn't spent establishing Peter as an energetic jokester.

As to the midcredits scene, those anymore are meant to do two things: reward you with info on the next movie and now to make a joke. Because audiences are getting tired of having to sit through them every time. This started with the schwarma scene. It is also getting old having someone "discover" a secret identity, and this movie was all about bucking the stereotypes, whether is was Aunt may being young, the Flash not being a joke, Ganke Ned beign on two computers across from each other just to make fun of the chair spin etc etc etc. Hell, I'd almost argue it as a main theme of the movie.

I also went through many of your other reviews. You have a pretty high amount of "deliberately against the grain" reviews. It is a pretty common tactic to get attention in an incredibly oversaturated market.

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