Splitting pairs strategy?

Hi Russ. Whether to split cards of duplicate rank or to keep them to the end, depends on whether the board position dictates you should be playing offence or defence. (Use Colvert's rule of 26 to tell you which.) Defensively it makes sense to lead from a pair/triple as there will be fewer of that card in circulation for Dealer to be able to pair you. If leading and holding three of a kind, it is impossible to get all 3 in back to back to back, so always lead one of them.The highest the count can be after two cards is twenty, so you will always have to play a second, leaving you with only two cards. Playing offensively I'd keep the multiple cards as long as you can. Maybe your opponent says go, and you get to pair your own card. Three card elevens/sixteens often score well. Maybe 31/4 with 7-2-2 or 3-4-4, or 30/2 and 31/8 with 8-A-A-A.

/r/Cribbage Thread