Splitting wedges

Look, I'm going to be that asshole:

Did you actually read the most recent version of Article 13?

Because most of this subreddit "cared" but did not.

In the paragraph 2a of the amendments to Article 13, a catch-all clause was added to deal with the problem of copyright filters like YouTube's ContentID having many false positives;

Cooperation between online content service providers and right holders shall not lead to preventing the availability of non-infringing works or other protected subject matter, including those covered by an exception or limitation to copyright.

This effectively prohibits such filters until they are able to be made accurate. A literal interpretation even means filters with any false positives are prohibited.

The vast majority of people absolutely do not support this.

As pointed out below, the vast majority of people do not care.

Of the minority that does care, a lot of them are laughably poorly informed, just parrotting the circlejerk about meme bans without reading the legal text themselves.

Of the subset that actually cares and has informed themselves, yes, a majority is probably against, but it is not a "vast" majority.

And this last majority is completely drowned out by the mindless circlejerking, and overly agressive doomsaying from activists.

/r/europe Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it