Spoiler Questions to Manga readers

If you really want to be spoiled here are them.

  1. Ernest has the Warhammer, Founding and Attack Titan. Armin has the Colossal Titan. Reiner has the Armored Titan. Pick has the Cart Titan. Zeke has the Beast Titan. Galliard has the Jaws Titan. Annie has the Female Titan.

  2. Armin and Mikasa want there to be peace and nobody knows what Eren's plan is.

  3. It's pretty much non existent as certain details have come to light about the nature of their relationship that changed everything.

  4. Basically Eren has matured considerably and has become more intelligent. We get to see Reiner's perspective for quite some time. Eren has turned on his friends and allied himself with Zeke and has taking over the Walls.

/r/ShingekiNoKyojin Thread