[Spoilers] 2015 World Championship | Group Stage - Day 7 | Live Update & Discussion Thread

We're not talking about whether you can win the game without fighting, we're talking about whether it's the best/most efficient way. It's not.

Like, you seem to be under the impression that you should avoid the possibility of dying because there's a risk you might lose the fight. It's the opposite, it's riskier to play passive and not go in on your advantages because while you probably won't lose really hard, you likely won't be winning very hard either. Passive play is actually riskier because you end up actively putting both teams in a situation where it's more up to luck than skill, with one catch or bad rotation winning/losing the entire game.

Like I feel like you don't actually understand what the win conditions for their comps were and you're just parroting something you heard about low kills not being bad

Like Origen should've wanted to hard engage if at all possible. They have kennen and orianna, vs malph and syndra. Two big AOE teamfight oriented carries, vs a malph which has no damage and a syndra who is single target nuke oriented.

TSM? They wanted to siege and get picks with skillshot CC/nukes and syndra ult, then push down with man advantage and jinx range. Which they did exactly fucking none of. Literally the only time they took down any towers was when Origen LET them have them, trading two for dragons, one for a TSM tower, and mid inner/inhib when Origen made a bad base race call.

Origen on the other hand? Why the hell were they getting pushed around in jungle and river? Wtf? That's exactly where they want to fight. They avoided TSM for no good reason when they had a huge advantage with kennen zhonyas powerspike.

And OG didn't even play the siege game well, even though that's how they won. There were at least 3 times during late game (45-50 min) where kog stepped out in front of kennen and thresh to smack mid turret, and didnt get punished for it even though dyrus was in ult range all three times.

TSM lost because they played awfully, while origen didn't do anything special. The only reason it even seemed back and forth was because Origen decided to base race a jinx down mid when TSM were already past outer mid turtet and they were still in jungle.

The game was shit yo

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