[Spoilers] So, About the PIS/WIS...

I definitely don't understand a few things from this episode:

1 Why would the MOL send one person to capture Sam and Dean?? I mean SERIOUSLY, your going to send a tiny woman to get these two?!? Stupid.

2 How did 1 chick with a pair of brass knuckles with sigils on them take out both Cas and Dean?!? Dean is this badass with tons of hand to hand combat experience and she's going to take him out?? Even if you buy that, she's going to take out an angel?? When Dean punched Cas in season 4 it sounded like he hit a steel wall, but she's going to take him out?? And they're both too stupid to go at her at the same time??

3 WTF is up with Sam half assed choking out that British bitch, then just leaving her there so she can get up 10 seconds later??? He told her he was going to kill her, I can't imagine he thought she was actually dead. All he had to do was crack her head really hard on the cement floor a couple times and at the very least she's not getting up for a couple minutes.

4 They acted like they tortured Sam so horribly. Nobody could withstand that much torture and not break... REALLY?!? They gave him a cold shower and burned his feet. I'm not saying having your feet burned with a blow torch wouldn't hurt, but they know what he's been through before and they don't think anyone could withstand that??? That's really all the physical torture they could come up with.

Since Sam is now on the steps alone in that basement I hope they at least make him smart enough to pray to Cas and give him the limited amount of information that he has to help find him.

I agree it's sloppy lazy writing. I really liked last season a lot, with the exception of the last 2 episodes. Even though I didn't like the finale I was super excited about the premier, and I feel let down. There were some things I liked a lot about this episode, which makes the sloppy stuff almost worse in a way.

So yes there's a whole lot of PIS going on.

/r/Supernatural Thread