[spoilers all] Dwarven Romance Fail.

Who wouldn't want to romance Oghren?

Oghren: Ah. Yep. Lot of tension around here.

Alistair: You think so, do you?

Oghren: Know what I do to relieve tension?

Alistair: I hesitate to wonder.

Oghren: I polish the ol' weapon.

Alistair: Really.

Oghren: Yep. Give it a good shine. With a dry rag, then with a little grease.

Alistair: That's disgusting.

Oghren: You're telling me you never gave yer blade the old spit-shine?

Alistair: I think that's private.

Oghren: Really? Sodding Chantry and its rules. I like to do it right out in the open.

Alistair: Where people can see you?

Oghren: Yep.

Alistair: Wait, what are you talking about?

Oghren: What are you talking about?

Alistair: (Sigh) Never mind.

/r/dragonage Thread