[Spoilers!] Am I the only one?

THIS SUBREDDIT'S Submission Rules

•All content that is unrelated to The Walking Dead will be removed (this includes generic image macros and reaction images). Just because something is zombie-related doesn't automatically make it TWD-related.
•Do not put spoilers in the title of your post.
•Use a reliable image host like imgur and link directly to the image.
To keep content fresh, reposts will be removed at moderator discretion.
No shitposting.
•No bitching if your post is removed for being a shitpost.

commenters shouldn't do this, the rules of the sub are posted right on the screen, along with basic reddiquette that says to search before posting.

the same post posted multiple times within 24 hours, all at 0 upvotes https://www.reddit.com/r/thewalkingdead/comments/3q9ych/spoilers_my_guess/
https://www.reddit.com/r/thewalkingdead/comments/3qg9xl/s_my_survival_theory/ https://www.reddit.com/r/thewalkingdead/comments/3qbc7l/he_may_live/

so actually, there are way more downvoted duplicate posts than there are downvoted posts about shitposts. now shitposts are causing more shitposts ending in a shitpost pile that will be known as this sub.

/r/thewalkingdead Thread Parent