(Spoilers Extended) House of the Dragon Season 1 Episode 4 Post-Episode Discussion

I wonder if maybe this is why they seemed to go out of their way to avoid actually showing nipple or coochie.

Could also just be that the actresses don't want to show it. I think it's pretty common for shows with heavy nudity to not show anything of the main characters. I assume, although I'll admit this is pretty much pure speculation, that it has to do with the casting process.

If you're casting Rhaenyra, you just want to cast the best possible actress. Nudity's not essential to the role, so you don't want to limit your casting to actresses who are willing to do nude scenes (and you're not denying a potential big break role to someone just because they don't want to get naked on TV).

In the other hand, if you're casting extras for the brothel scene, you can require nudity, because that's the role. You don't need someone who can give the best performance for a specific character, all someone needs is to be an extra willing to be naked on TV.

Like I said, that's all speculation, but it seems to be a logical reason for why a show like this would show several rooms full of naked people in one scene and then carefully obscure the main character's body in the next.

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