(Spoilers Extended) S8E4 is some of the worst writing this show has seen. I'll explain why.

But do you know how english works? cool if you're not a native english speaker, we all have to start somewhere, but otherwise you just don't understand how letters work.

By your logic the letter 'W' sounds like 'double you" so words like Water become 'Double-you-ater.'

The letter F sounds like 'Ef' so word forest becomes 'Eff-orest'.

'Gee-round' for ground, 'Tee-rouble' for trouble.

I already said that the letter Y is pronounced as 'Why', but you don't seem to understand that 'Why' isn;t a sound that letter can make, only the name of the letter.

It's a monumentally stupid take and I dont know what could possibly make you double down like you actually know what you're talking about. This is some basic shit.

/r/asoiaf Thread Parent