(Spoilers) Just saw X-men Apocalypse

Apocalypse was interesting, but he was still too small scale-wise I think. Oscar Issac did great, but they should have somehow stuck closer to the source material looks wise I think, maybe making him 8’ tall when walking around?

And the story was convoluted; if Apocalypse wanted to punish mankind….why didn’t he just nuke the cities anyway? It would have destroyed western civilization and millions if not BILLIONS of people, and he could subjugate the rest, ala Age of Apocalypse. And we see him literally just think and kill people around him. Why exactly does he need followers then?

I’ve given up a long time ago with comic movies sticking to the source material, the majority of them twist it to work/fit on screen better somehow, or shoehorn the stories into the already existing universe. But I still feel like this story could have been put together more cohesively than it was.

How I would have done it: Apocalypse has been asleep/hibernating for a millennia, slowly gaining strength. An energy surge comes from Jean Grey while she is sleeping Westchester and is large enough to travel the globe, and is a large enough blip to ‘wake,’ Apocalypse. Now, in the previous timeline this did not happen, seeing as Xavier put psychic blocks on Jean to control her insane power (Phoenix force) preventing it, so Apocalypse doesn’t wake in the previous timeline. Since Jean is unhindered in this timeline, as Xavier attempts to right some of his mistakes, energy surge happens and awakens him. Apocalypse is awake and powerful, but still weakened compared to previously, so he must get to his restoration chamber or some crap, which happens to be on his deeply buried alien tech spacecraft, Ship. He needs mutants of certain power levels to ‘recharge,’ himself to his full power, and goes about gathering them up. Could leave his horsemen the same, but definitely change Worthington III’s back story, Kurt’s as well. Psylock/Caliban wasn’t bad, and I wouldn’t flesh that out in this one either, leave it for X-Factor. Everything else happens mostly the same (leave the Weapon-X cameo, I’ve wanted that for decades, and holy shit was it awesome), X-Men team up to stop Apocalypse’s ascension, horsemen see the good and join them, eventually defeating him by coming together as a team (use of the Phoenix was a cool touch, but missed the point of bringing the X-Men “together”). Hinting at Mr. Sinister was also pretty badass too, hope we get some storyline of him fucking with Grey/Summers genetics like the books.

Don’t even know what in the FUCK I would do with the whole “Mystique is Striker at the end of DotFP,” because that is just straight up confusing garbage. Probably would have done what Singer and Co did…which was to just ignore it and pretend it didn’t happen.

/r/Marvel Thread