[SPOILERS] People who are saying 'You got worked!' are completely missing the point

You lack a lot of self awareness. It is easy to do with online discussion and I'm guilty of it myself.

I am telling you, a hardcore fan running alone to kick their feet and complain about the booking of a heel that is supposed to make you feel exactly what you are feeling is exactly the intended reaction.

Wrestling's number 1 enemy is BOREDOM not RESENTMENT. When the product really sucks, no one gives a shit to talk about it or complain. WWE is a dynamic show, and last night:s PPV featured a lot of great stuff. If you're a wrestling fan who won't go out of your way to watch and appreciate Rollins-AJ you're a disappointing fan in my eyes. If you resent what they did with Brock, that's at least partly by design. If you were bored, you wouldn't reply to comments that strike you as wrong. You wouldn't feel a damned thing.

If all WWE was giving us was Brock, it would be different. But that isn't the case. Brock Lesnar is a powerful, monster troll character that makes the audience react more strongly than any other character in the damned company.

The best way for you to really prove that this was a bad, indefensible, no good, cancelling my skysports and never watching again decision is for you to make yourself an example and just stop engaging with WWE talk and stop looking for highlights you know you're gonna be mad about. Challenge yourself to actually let go of your even passing interest in WWE and give up watching it or engagaging with talk about it online. Otherwise it will always just sound like you are just another smark who's nose Vince is rubbing into a big old beastly pile of Brock Lesnar shit. And you are eat, eat, eating it. Stop eating shit I'd you don't like the taste and challenge yourself to not engage with WWE at all.

Enjoy the alternatives. There's plenty out there for you.

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