[Spoilers S2E7] Mr. Robot and Why TV Twists Don't Work Anymore

I should probably ’fess up here and admit that I don't watch Mr. Robot, or any other TV series, to test my knowledge of TV tropes and say, "I called it!"

Herp derp, TV Tropes - yes, referencing literature from Tolstoy... trope level. And all the religion references? None of that is in Fight Club. There is no Fight Club theme that Tyler Durden is "god" or something. And all the computer metaphors of root access / god mode. Fight Club has no psyche metaphors that software/hardware opens.

Reddit is a virtual mecca for this sort of viewer — but I've never encouraged that impulse

Do you really know anything about Islam and Egypt and it's ties to the writer's inspiration of this show? Or do you throw blogger-tropes around?

eddit is a virtual mecca for this sort of viewer — but I've never encouraged that impulse, because it seems to me that it rewards screenwriters who are thinking about their plots and characters on the most superficial level,

Yha, James Joyce fans must be reading the most superficial puzzels.

What's the point, ultimately?

Go ask the Troubadours ans what their stories did to the Church's stranglehold on Marriage.

Religion being dropped from your view is missing the point. As is not seeing Edward Snowden's root level admin access to NSA.

You are bitching about TV tropes, this show is bitching about the real earth.

/r/MrRobot Thread