[Spoilers] Season 5 World Championship Groups

Lol TSM got kinda fucked on this one. Their group is as stacked if not more stacked than C9's lol. It seems like rather than C9 getting the toughest group, the LoL gods decided to evenly distribute the hardness over to TSM.

I could see C9 making it out against AHQ or IG. Can't see TSM in any universe beating KT or LGD.

My World's predictions:

GROUPS (Order going down is 1st finisher then second)

A CLG (CLG place first with Xmithie, second without) KOO

B Fnatic AHQ



QUARTERS (format is randomized, guaranteed to face someone else not from group, using example shown on "riot article"(http://na.lolesports.com/articles/2015-world-championship-format) to show predictions)

B1 vs C2: Fnatic vs EDG 3-2 EDG (they looked shaky in LPL playoffs, but they have like the top 2 players in the world for every position)

A1 vs D2: CLG vs KT 3-1 CLG with Xmithie 3-1 KT without Xmithie

C1 vs A2: SKT vs KOO 3-0 SKT (History shows this won't end well for KOO)

D1 vs B2: LGD vs AHQ 3-1 LGD

Winners going to semis: EDG, *CLG or KT, SKT, LGD


EDG vs CLG (scenario if Xmithie is on) 3-2 EDG

EDG vs KT 3-1 EDG


3-2 LGD (Why LGD? Acorn is better than Marin and is also a top tier shotcaller along with PYL. Also PYL absolutely shits on Wolf. Imp is the best ADC in the world. This is fucking FACT. SKT's bot lane will just get shit on. GODV is good enough to handle faker near pawn levels. Also TBQ is seriously underrated, guy is a fucking animal and has been shitting on Clearlove as of late. Easily top 3 jungler in the world. Think top and bot losing along with Bengi not being able to get Faker or Marin fed will result in LGD winning).


LGD vs EDG Winner: LGD. Why? Cause Imp. Anyone that follows LPL will know this guy has had a Faker S3 level season and will show his contention for best player in LoL this worlds.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread