[SPOILERS] Seasons 1-8 Retrospective Rewatch

Same to a certain extent. There was the scene before the battle of the black water where bronn and the hound have some words - bronn sings the rains of castamere and there’s a naked prostitute sitting on his lap after right before the hound asks him if he thinks he’s a hard man. I didn’t have an issue with it but it always felt gratuitous - here are arguably the two most badass characters in the show - bronn could have read the red keeps phone book with zero nudity in the scene and it would have held just as well.

Again - didn’t have a problem with the scene - just stood out to me when I watched it. I suppose it adds another level of badassery to who bronn is that he can switch gears from getting ready to fuck to getting ready to fight that quickly... not sure what they were going for exactly but that was the one time other than the two prostitutes being taught how to fake an orgasm by little finger that felt out of place.

I think that rolls back on dnds inability to mimic the way grrm uses sex in his novels. It’s there, there’s a lot of it but it all feels like it fits.

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