(Spoilers TWMF) Siaru, the Fae, and the Mercenary

Question: how to resolve the contradiction between these two passages:

“Tempi told me there was a Rhinta among the bandits as their leader.”

“Rhinta?” I asked respectfully.

“A bad thing. A man who is more than a man, yet less than a man.”

“A demon?” I asked, using the Aturan word without thinking.

“Not a demon,” Shehyn said, switching easily to Aturan. “There are no such things as demons. Your priests tell stories of demons to frighten you.” She met my eye briefly, gesturing a graceful: Apologetic honesty and serious import . “But there are bad things in the world. Old things in the shape of men. And there are a handful worse than all the rest. They walk the world freely and do terrible things.”

I felt hope rising within me. “I have also heard them called the Chandrian,” I said.

Shehyn nodded. “I have heard this too. But Rhinta is a better word.” Shehyn gave me a long look and fell back into Ademic. “Given what Tempi has told me of your reaction, I think that you have met such a one before.”


Bast leaned closer until their faces were mere inches apart, his eyes gone white as opal, white as a full-bellied moon. "You are an educated man. You know there are no such things as demons." Bast smiled a terrible smile. "There is only my kind." Bast leaned closer still, Chronicler smelled flowers on his breath. "You are not wise enough to fear me as I should be feared. You do not know the first note of the music that moves me."

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