spoilers Web comic Spoilers and 4 Theories

Removed from reality.

All of my theories are interconnected so its better if you read all of them so you get the whole picture.

Those who have Broken their Limiter exist beyond the realm of logic and reason (refer to my 1st theory "What a Broken Limiter really is" and to know who they are). Where there are no limits to one's certain abilities. They literally enter a state of being which removes them from reality.


  1. Child Emperor example:

If someone were to make a device that could measure a limit breakers power like Saitama, King, and WDM it would read immeasurable, error, or cannot process etc... because technically they don't exist. They literally enter a state of being which removes them from reality due to breaking there limiter.

  1. Boros Oracle, Shibabawa, and Psykos example:

If someone were to look through a crystal ball and foresee the future they would see events as though Saitama, King, and WDM don't exist. Shibabawa, and Psykos saw a horrible future because the three limit breakers are literally in a state of being which removes them from reality due to breaking their limiter.

Boros travels to Earth because of a prophecy saying he would have a worthy opponent. Boros finally arrives traveling for 20 years to fulfill this prophecy. Boros Seer saw a opponent worthy of Boros. It was Blast. As we know from Tatsumaki's Flashback 18 years ago Blast was active.

It couldn't be Garou because Garou wasn't even born. Also when Boros arrived Garou didn't even start Hero hunting. He was still weak in comparision to when he started evolving/adapting. So at that time and stage Garou stood zero chance. Most of us place Boros above Awakened Garou anyway.

Obviously it wasn't Saitama, King, or WDM because the three limit breakers are literally in a state of being which removes them from reality due to breaking there limiter.

Boros to Saitama "You lie. You had strength to spare. I never stood a chance. It wasn't even a battle. So much for prophecies. You were too strong... Saitama..." Boros is mistaken here, the prophecy would hold true had he fought Blast but unfortunatly for him he was encountered by someone who is removed from reality.

My point is the prophecies and measureing devices aren't wrong at all. Its just the limit breakers are literally in a state of being which removes them from reality. The prophecies or devices don't take them into account because they technically don't exist.

5th theory

Why Saitama will never get the fight he wants.

I'll list the one's that people might think can live up to the hype but in reality they can't.

One of the most important reason that applies to both characters below is the answer from his Q/A. When One is asked how can he make OPM so exciting when Saitama beats everyone with one punch.

Blast. As similar as Blast can be to Saitama they are just as much different especially in ideology. If you reread the chapter with Tatsumaki's flash back in which Blast appears and remember in what context is Tatsumaki remembering this. Tatsumaki's is forcing her sister to adapt to her way of thinking and go Solo and not rely on anyone. To break bonds and depend only on your own strength. She remembers Blast's saying "Don't expect someone to come and save you". She was protective of her sister thinking that people will use her like how she was experimented on and afraid for her. so she adopted that Ideology of Blast. On the other hand in that same chapter Saitama was showing Tatsumaki the power of an "Acquaintance" and Fubuki's subordinates were ready to sacrifice themselves for her. They were preaching the exact opposite message. This leads me to believe that Blast will have a conflicting opinion with Saitama in the near future and they will surely fight and as I've explained before Saitama will never find an equal or a close match. Blast will be powerful but not enough to give Saitama the thrill which he desires. Also because I think Blast was the one from Boros Prophecy who would be a worthy opponent for Boros. Meaning he isn't one of the limit breakers who are literally in a state of being which removes them from reality.

"God". unlike human opponents who survive fights with Saitama. "God" will get killed showing the heroes of OPM who will most definitely get massacred until Saitama comes and ends it with everyone looking on with little to no difficulty. It's just how this stories been and that's the beauty of it. The thrill and excitement doesn't lie in the struggle of the main protagonist battling against rivaling foes but in the reactions of the those who were struggling and trying to defeat this foe thinking all hope is lost only to see someone with the lamest hero name and looks, the most half ass boring character setting (from their perspective) come and effortlessly kill it.

What separates WDM, King and to a lesser extent Metal Bat from the Blast is a presence of conflict in their ideology and Character. As I've explained in my 3rd theory "Saitama Ideology Crusher."

/r/OnePunchMan Thread