Spoke with a WWE wrestler about their wellness program.

Let me rewrite WWE is aware many of their guys are using. Basically they are aware the levels being tested are outside of normal levels because many of the performers are on "supplements" when doing this initial test. So having an outside of the norm T/E ratio during this initial test so let's do say it's 6:1 on initial test that is the baseline which even though it's inductive of steroid use its the "baseline" for that respective performer however next time lets say he's at 14:1 that creates a flag.

The initial test let say for an initial performer is 6:1 which also shows exogenous testosterone or something else is the norm for that respective performer. However next test shows 14:1 as well as flags for other new flags this crates an infraction.

It's asinine to think that wrestlers in WWE are natural based on how much they travel, aesthetics, and their strength. Outside of a big show who is a genetic anomaly I would say most like 70 to 80 % of that roster is using supplements you can't buy at GNC.

I only talked to him about this because the topic of usada and mma bring a dirty sport came up with a friend of his. He basically told me the logistics of drug use in WWE during his time there she how wrestlers he know that are currently employed still use PED's how they scam the system, how they are told to scam the system by upper management, and basically if you get caught you're an idiot, arrogant, or think you're untouchable, or even don't care.

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