Spreading misinformation

I saw this the first time it was posted, and it's just as terrible the second time around. It reminds of the "AITA for not inviting only one child because he has autism, but every other student in the class got invited to my daughter's second grade birthday party?" Hmm...I don't even need to think that through. I can't believe they thought it was okay. Also, some teachers treat autistic kids like shit. Way more than I thought possible, and I eventually yelled at one of them and essentially told him he was a dick in front of his students. They all clapped and then I got fired. He also would say things like "I'm going to chop off all of your heads" and he did not even try to pretend it was a joke. Kids were terrified of him and that's exactly what he wanted. I was working exclusively with autistic children at several different schools in the same district, and I was so pissed the entire time I worked in this particular position because the many of the teachers were so terrible. Some went as far to put them in isolation rooms until they stopped crying or stimming. One guy did this repeatedly to the same kindergartener. A hug would have accomplished the same purpose, and it doesn't traumatize kids. Some autistic people need the pressure, hence why Temple Grandin created her hug machine. I wish they had hug machines instead of tiny, padded, totally blacked out rooms. What I learned on that job taught me how to advocate for my own kids in a dysfunctional system. That was the silver lining. If teachers are discouraging you from coming to observe your kid in their classroom, it is probably because that teacher is treating them like crap, and they know it but don't want to get in trouble. It happened to my child this year, we finally managed to get him into a different class, but he still has to deal with this guy every day for math class. He said kids come up to him and ask him if he's okay every day after class because this particular teacher bullies him so much. So, now I am on a personal mission to get these people fired., working with the Special Education teachers who also are sick of the discrimination. They shouldn't be teachers. Sorry for being so long winded, but it's all relevant and I want parents to know that if their child is depressed and says he's being bullied by a teacher, believe them and take immediate action.

/r/MurderedByWords Thread Link - i.redd.it