Spreadsheet to calculate GME Exit Strategy, ROI Calculations & Breakeven Analysis

If this is blockbuster, then who is Netflix? Look, the WSB GME play is basically a pump and dump - but at the same time, there is a very possible chance of the company turning around. For starters, look at their bond prices - it’s back to near par, whereas it was trading at a 30% discount only a month ago. This company isn’t going bankrupt, it’s got meme energy on its side, a ton of press coverage, a new management team, a competent ecommerce CEO, turnaround experience on its board via its hedge fund owners, and most importantly, consumer mindshare. While I don’t know what I’d realistically expect long term from GameStop - I only play PC games so I’m fully on steam/digitalised - there clearly is room for GameStop to stop its downturn and revamp itself into a solid company.

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