Square Cow Movers Religion?

More than you know. Never shared this before but here we go...

I'm a previous hemorrhoid sufferer who had to have hemorrhoid surgery to get rid of them. To prevent the pain I went through, I offer these simple tips from several doctors:

Fiber. Fiber is not digested by your gut and helps make poops happen. Get a powdered fiber supplement, HEB has a great own-brand. You can add it to any food or drink and not even realize it's there. Those nights I want chips and queso for dinner, I know sprinkling a bunch of my HEB powdered fiber into the queso will make me poop it out easier.

Water. When you are constipated and have trouble pooping, it is often because there's not enough water/liquid mixed into your food to make nice smooth turds.

Also, if you do still become constipated and feel like you have a bunch of poo you just can't release, don't force it out. That is what creates hemorrhoids. Just wait. And in the future just digest more fiber and water.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

/r/Austin Thread Parent