SR 3900 - Junkrat Only AMA

I'm late to this but I really like your attitude. I play Junkrat a lot too and get shit on, but I don't see why, because I frequently have gold elims and objective kills, plus you can take down Rein's shield constantly. I think a lot of people only put their trust into traditional aiming classes, so whenever something non-traditional or a weapon that is unpredictable comes up, they just think it's trash because they can't do it, therefore nobody can do it. His mine is so powerful too, I really think a lot of players underestimate it. I use it like a vertical Lucio boop when somebody attacks our supports, you can use it to stop charging Reinhardt, it gets away from Mei or melee characters, plus it's 120 damage and is a great 1v1 tool.

I really hate the communities obsession with the meta. We're not getting paid to play games, therefore we don't need to treat our matches like a business. Aren't we supposed to have fun too? There's an intersection between skill, what you like to play, and winning, but a lot of people just see the meta and win.

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