SRSer triggered because /r/twoxchromosomes bans misandry

Our official stance on this is that "misandry" is an unhelpful term, as it implies that there is a similar or equally weighted cultural bias against men and women.

Claiming misandry exists is literally also claiming it's equal in scope to misogyny. Hahahahhaha, ok SRS mod.

Patriarchy hurts everybody (of course, it is known) but there is no ingrained systemic discrimination against men because they're men.

Patriarchy hurts everyone. Patriarchy benefits men. Is this a "DAE men aren't people" meme or are you just painfully lacking self-awareness?

There are people who hate men, certainly, but they are not part of a cultural phenomenon the way that misogyny has been for the last several thousand years.

Woman are treated the same way they were treated thousands of years ago. No progress has been made, ergo, men are shit.

Men suffer almost no social damage from those outlying people whereas women deal with misogyny as an actual detrimental factor in their lives on a daily basis.

It's not having a shitty attitude and hating men that makes you miserable. It's misogyny.

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