St. Paul police chief says Rep. John Thompson misused his office in police interaction

I was raised to take care of my own responsibilities, why does it feel like so many who do not are let off the hook via our current permissiveness

I’d agree with you if the police were simply chasing the suspended license. Like yeah just because your father is XYZ shouldn’t get you off the hook. Except they aren’t, instead of chasing what they have empirical evidence for, they’re chasing the drug angle which they know they probably won’t win but will look good in the attack ads regardless. Tie the daughter to an ambiguous definition of drugs and tie her to him. If you want to vote him out go for it, but there are better reasons than speculation that his daughter smokes marijuana.

We all know it was marijuana, anyone who has spent any amount of time on a college campus knows “smelled illegal substances” means marijuana. She’s a 26 year old woman, if it were meth or heroin, there would be much more evidence and no need to make such an ambiguous statement because people who do that stuff, not great at hiding it. They would’ve said so because it looks better in articles like this. If it were pills they wouldn’t have been able to make that statement because pills in a baggy or bottle don’t smell… they’re pills.

So it’s either a complete non statement or it’s marijuana.

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