"Stacy" here, and I wont lie to you guys

And by saying I "was" fawning over Chad, I mean I was stupid bitch who thought that my magic pussy and nice smelling perfume would make me more valuable to him than the women before me. I tried to make my chad settle down and have a steady relationship with me because I wanted that, maybe worse than you do now. And yes, sapient is a revelation that i came to, once i realized how utterly pathetic my "chad" was (he needed validation of women to see if he was worthy, like your metaphorical Stacy, so p.s. they are shallow and constantly seeking validation too).

I'm not saying "change your personality," I'm saying try to love yourself, because if even you cant love you, how do you expect to get some bitch to want to hop that dick? Enjoy yourself, but stop being so self loathing. Enjoy what you enjoy, there is absolutely a lady out there who likes it too, and you could relate if you stop putting on the "I'm ugly so fuck everything" dress. Give a fuck about what you do, even if women arent involved. They will come if you drop the "I'm unlovable" act.

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