A staggering 87 percent of Venezuelans say they do not have money to buy enough food

g-game grumps fam. j-jontron, and arin, and stuff. arins girlfriend scammed some people but meh. i mean arins kind of a dick... i like the other grumps though. haha... h3h3... haha... like... vapenation, and leafyishere! leafy donated to him. so dat was kool. haha. Ha


haha i hope u not mad

u mad?

rly tho im just The Fucking Hell. What the fuck is wrong with these darn atheists jammin up the wall!?! Why they gotta crash my joint And fuckin rob me of my Fuckin Statues damn bastards. They fuckin rob my joint and take my shit then they laugh at me haha but you aint an atheist right friendo! I love you friendo, haha!. Fuck yeah. DHT? DHT is pretty dangerous, i mean shit. you really wanna cut that badly? i mean you could go for the jontron look and get get as fuck haha. but u could dirty bulk too, u know? start deadliftin bout 700 pounds or so if u get good! heh. u know, tren A and shit, right boy. thats the good shit. gotta cycle that stuff though, dont want manboobs yknow. yknow, im takin creatine rite now, thats some good shit. gives me a few more reps when im liftin. u know, liftin a good amount of pounds. gettin that IRON on!!! fuck yeah my brotha in Christ! u know what i mean!

Listen to me. I can type weird. Or I can type proper. You know, that's pretty weird.

I used to play a game called World of Warcraft, a good few years ago. And people would say, "Yo dude, you have multiple personality disorder or somethin'?" And I'd tell them, maybe, maybe. But I knew, it wasn't. It was, that, it's like, when you are dreaming, y'know. You're having a dream. And then you wake up. But who's the real you, dream you or real you? When you're dreamin, it's hard to tell, right? But it's like I'm in that dream state, all day every day, y'know. It's hard man it's fucking hard you have no fuckin idea but y'know, y'know, it's good, it's good I'm like this, y'know. I've got different typing styles. No one's gonna know. No on's gonna know. I've got all these different typing styles. You know, the meme one, the one with the fucking weird Lenny Faces. Yoiu know, that one. Then I'vge got this one yknow, its like my proper one but faster yknow when im typin, when im typin to my buddies i type like this, yknow, dont really need to type prim n proppa in a video game, but dont want to act like a fuckin weirdo memester either. yknow, the memester persona, its just a fuckin joke. but this, you think this is some fuckin joke? its not a fuckin joke. Fuckin atheist communist bastardsw ruined sweden they ruined china they ruined the USSR. good thing russia is coming back to it's Orthodox Christian roots though, that's real good thing.

Y'know, Poland, Russia, they are Christian nations. That's a common thing between them. The USSR was a shit hole when it was an atheist nation, but modeern day Christian Russia is better. I'm so glad Vladimir Putin is Christian. Y'know, Denmark, Sweden, whatever, those fuckin shitholes infested by psuedo-ISIS slime... they got a thing in common. They are inhabited by a majority of nihillist atheists. That's one thing. You know, Danish people have an issue with anti-depressants. Scandinavian isn't a fucking utopia, it's a fucking shit hole of nihillists! That's why all the rich Scandinavians are moving elsewhere like Pewdiepie! He's not living in bumfuck Sweden anymore!


Hope you get it fam good day

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