Staking rewards.

well it seems there is confusion around what it means for a delegation to be "active". I believe u/SL13PNIR is correct on this one because of the distinction between "Live" and "Active" stake.

"Live" stake is all delegation decisions that currently exist in the network, regardless of whether they have been captured by a stake snapshot. (So in epoch 211 the stake is live but not active).

Once "Live" stake is recorded by the stake snapshot at the epoch boundary, that is when it becomes "active". (The stake snapshot at the end of 211 makes the stake "active" in 212, even though blocks are produced in 213).

The confusion can be cleared up by understanding that stake becomes active the epoch before it starts producing blocks.

Although producing blocks seems to be an "active" kind of thing, in reality it is the stake snapshot that makes the staking "active". And then the following epoch the corresponding blocks are produced.

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