Star Citizen Alpha 3.0.0ao PTU.691578 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Patch 3.0.0ao

Full patch notes can be found here:

Alpha Patch 3.0.0ao has been released to the PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: PTU-691578

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE.


Focus: New patcher, station traversing, ship spawning, StarMap app, quantum travel, landing, air traffic control (ATC) system, quantum fuel usage/balance, hydrogen fuel usage/balance, afterburner, shopping, ship MFDs, missions, core combat (mission related). All the ships are flyable, but the following are the ships that have had the most attention and focus: Gladius, Hornet Series, Sabre, Vanguard, Constellation Series, Cutlass Black, Caterpillar, Nox, Dragonfly, Prospector, Freelancer, Aurora series, Argo series, Buccaneer, Greycat, Starfarer series, Khartu-AL, Avenger series, Gladiator, Mustang series, Herald, Merlin, 300 series, Ursa. We would like you to focus on the above for this wave of testing and bug reports.

NOTE: Other content and features are in and listed in the notes, but currently not the focus of this testing phase as they undergo bug fixes and polish. Additionally, there's content that is not listed in the notes that are intended for live release and will be added iteratively during the testing cycle.

Key Game-play How Tos: Afterburner: There is now a single afterburner with the ability to achieve higher top velocity under certain conditions, giving us AB SCM and AB Cruise with the only distinction being two different speeds. You can only enter AB Cruise if your flight path is a straight, forward line. Otherwise you're limited to AB SCM, i.e. while maneuvering/strafing. Once in AB Cruise you can release the afterburner key and go into an AB idle mode to maintain your current speed. Throttle setting and y-axis strafe level allows incremental speeds, but you will decelerate if you change your vector. If you continue to hold AB and maneuver, you drop to AB SCM speed until you return to straight-line flight. AB Idle holds your current velocity as long as you're not maneuvering and decoupled rotation is allowed while in AB idle.

Show Location: We have added a command that allows you to find your location in coordinates (useful for bug reporting purposes). Enter "/showlocation" in the chat box (make sure you are in a all chat) to get coordinates.

Ship Start Up: Approach the entry point of your ship, then press and hold "F" to activate the interaction system. Select from the various inner thought prompts using the cursor or mouse wheel to move between them. Once inside your ship, again press and hold "F" and select the "Flight Ready" prompt to run through complete ship start up. Alternatively, you can press the "F5" key for quick start up.

Landing: Landing now takes place through an Air Traffic Control (ATC) system. When close to a landing location, request a landing by navigating to your "Comms" menu on the MobiGlas (note: this is incorrectly displayed as a ship icon) and pushing the hail button (wifi symbol). Wait a moment, and ATC should assign you a landing location. Note, you may need to request take off to leave Levski (trigger opening of bay doors).

Quantum Travel: To quantum travel to a destination, open your MobiGlas (F2) and select the StarMap App (diamond shaped symbol). From there, use the mouse to select a destination. Whether or not an object can be selected for QT is determined by gravitational values (The larger the object the further away you can detect it, large objects with small objects in orbit drown out their detection capabilities at long ranges). Meaning you will not be able to travel from point A to B at all times, but instead may need to move into orbit of a larger body to detect destinations also in orbit. For example, to get to a station orbiting a moon that orbits a planet, the route is Planet>Moon>Station. Once you have a destination selected you can "set destination" on your MobiGlas to bring up a quantum travel target. As before, align with the QT target and press "B" to travel.

Changes to Default Keybindings: Controls now default to a "basic" mapping that only includes core functions and leaves many things unbound The "basic" mapping is meant to be simplified controls for beginners. Players can then go through keybinds and bind how they wish or import an "advanced" binding from among several presets. Experienced players will most likely want to do one of those two things to gain full functionality. Advanced profiles can be found under Keybindings→Advanced controls Customization→Control Profiles.

Major Known Issues:

3D radars (both ship and helmet) are not rendering properly in planet atmosphere. VMA is a work in progress and has numerous issues. Control changes are incomplete and may have bugs. Some ships may be spawning without items or without the ability to "flight ready". W/A: If this happens please file an insurance claim to replace the ship. First implementation of persistence bed spawning will have numerous bugs and issues. Items and ships placed in hangars are not persisting between sessions. Focus Feature Updates General

Moved free look and spacebrake away from left-alt prevent accidental game closing, Z is now default free look and caps-lock default spacebrake. Universe

Added Interdiction and Environmental Missions: There's now a chance to be interdicted during quantum travel. Players will also find random encounters scattered throughout the verse. Added law explanation journal entry and starmap journal entry to be given to the player when they first spawn into Stanton. Various VFX polish to atmospheric entry and traversal effects. Added improved 3D markers. Missions

Escort missions will now fail if the player obtains a wanted level or shoots at the escort, bonus pay will update silently. Reduced the probability of enemies spawning at derelicts. Ships and Vehicles

RTT screen set-up for engineering and turret MFDs on the Vanguard and the Retaliator. Bug Fixes

Players should no longer be able to get trapped in some ships by crouching inside the canopy. 3d radar contacts should no longer be offset in the Hornet series ships. Fixed an issue where players wouldn't see logout prompts when the ship was powered off. Fixed ghosting on visor own/target holograms. The loadout screen for Star Marine should no longer be blacked out. Escort missions should now exclude players with a wanted level over two. Hardpoint adjustments to ensure components are interchangeable for the following ships: Retaliator, Buccaneer, Cutlass, Aurora, Caterpillar, Prospector, Gladiator, Nox Khartu-Al, and Avenger. Automated turrets should no longer continue to shoot at a destroyed ship. Fixed numerous issues with clipping and force exits during Mustang series entry/exit. The small elevator on the Constellation Aquila should now operate as expected. Missiles on the Glaive/Scythe should no longer be able to be removed without the ability to replace. The camera should no longer enter the wall when accessing the engineering station on the Caterpillar while in 3rd person view. Ships should no longer be shown on the ASOP list at outposts where they can no longer be spawned. Expanded the green zone at ArcCorp Mining Area 141 on Daymar to encompass the entire outpost as intended. Fixed an issue where the objective would not display the location on the MobiGlas for some missions. Illegal collection/delivery missions should now consistently spawn cargo. Cargo capacity should now be visible on the ASOP terminal when a ship is highlighted. The refueling audio should no longer play in a loop if the player leaves before the process finishes. 1 SCU waste boxes should now appear properly. Added missing ship armor for the Cutlass, Dragonfly, 85x, and Herald. Adjusted ATC properties due to illegal spawning and added more locations to send players to if ATC parks their ship while the player is still inside. The visor should no longer lag slightly behind player motion. Quantum drives should now be interchangeable on the VMA. Changed the cargo ramp interaction highlight to the button rather than the entire ramp of the Starfarer. The combat visor should no longer be set into opaque boxes. The ASOP terminals at outposts should now allow players to spawn ground vehicles. You should no longer lose your radar when swapping between Navmap Scale and Radar Scale on the 3D radar. The "Go to my location" button should now work on the 3D radar. The 3D radar should now properly power off with the ship. Technical

Arena Commander exit crash fix. Server crash fix. Various other crash fixes. Non-Focus Feature Updates N/A

Known Issues:

Content missing key elements:

User Interface Insurance and Persistence Internal Ship Docking Comm System Bugs, issues, and work arounds (W/A):

Items and ships placed in hangars are not persisting between sessions. Repaired wings don't always restore weapons.

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