Star Citizen Roadmap Update (2019-11-15)

No, no you wouldn’t. Have you tried playing flatland on Minecraft with no structures on peaceful for more than 20 minutes? It’s fucking mind-numbing. Size isn’t what matters, density is. The GTA V map was relatively small, but everyone loved it anyway because there was so much to do. I have no doubt that they’ll add more content beyond what we have right now, but frankly they need to populate Stanton before moving onto another system. 10 systems at launch with the exact same missions that we have right now would make the fun playable for slightly longer before we get bored. That’s why I’m so psyched for prison gameplay: it’s something to do. Don’t get me wrong, there’s things to do in this game. But not enough for the revolutionizing launch-state masterpiece they’re trying to make.

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