Star Citizen's latest ship costs $250, but you can't fly it yet

I don't consider people throwing factually unfounded opinions around, a debate. That's reserved for philosophical discussions, which this is not. I don't understand why people believe in their right to debate a topic they know little to nothing about, and be taken seriously. If you don't have the time to educate yourself on something, then don't go around vehemently arguing about it. This goes double for the topic of SC's pledge model, as it's been discussed to death, and there are hundreds of developer quotes about it floating around the web.

Now, do explain to me, how exactly is CIG punishing you by selling optional ships? Ships, that more often than not, are not designed to compete with one another. Ships, that you can't pilot 2 of at the same time. Ships, designed for specific roles, that most people don't intent to fill.

allowing players to skip the grind and buy a ship they want is a no-no. Whats the point of the game then? Where is the "game" in this?

The point of the game isn't to unlock all the ships. (and yes, I'll bold it, for emphasis, because it's a very important point)

You ask where the game is, assuming that the game has to revolve around a linear progression through ships. Essentially replacing levels with ships. Yet, all throughout development, Chris Roberts & other CIG devs have made it very clear that that's not their intent. Your entire argument revolves around the misguided belief that the game has to function a certain way (which it won't).

but there is human desire/wants on ships they on purpose make more aesthetically pleasing to draw impulse buying. Its marketing.

So CIG should, on purpose, lower the quality of their ship design, so that people who lack self restraint won't buy them? Should they stop developing ships, despite them being a requirement for the game? Should they arbitrarily stop selling them?

The Carrack looked really cool, but I don't plan on exploring. The Orion was a sexy beast, but I don't plan on mining. The Vanguard is gorgeous, but I most certainly don't plan to dogfight for a living. They're all beautiful ships, but everything in this game is gorgeous. That is, after all, a major focus.

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