"Star Wars: Fallen Republic" total conversion mod is now available!

They're really not wrong.

[https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v1oNqE](This is the Artstation page of the person who 'borrowed' the design, admitting themself in that page that the images they saw as 'concept art' were direct Eve rips from a fan wiki)
[https://eve-nt.uk/designer/](Use this, choose the Hurricane and the Caldari skin if the colouring helps. You can from there freely get a look at the Cane from any angle)

I'm with /u/IDeclareNonServiam here. If they at least gave full credit instead of just copying the design, deciding to change it just enough to not be accused of a direct asset rip and lapping up the praise, it'd be much less of a sour taste.
I've worked in a creative industry for long enough to know that fan projects like this can be springboards for full paid work. Somebody shouldn't get that chance from shameless plagiarism.

/r/Stellaris Thread Parent Link - steamcommunity.com