Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order - Teaser

It pretty much threw everybody under the bus.

Bioware has a bad management philosophy of trying to pull a good game out of their ass at the last minute. That was hard, but doable with their previous engines, and is pretty common in the industry. It's damn near impossible when you're trying to fight a finicky engine like Frostbite.

EA made them shoehorn in a multiplayer mode they had no real experience with. RPGs don't sell as well as sports games or shooters, so Bioware never got the appropriate level of support from EA to get Frostbite under control.

EA pushed a rapid expansion, with the other Bioware campuses being viewed as second or third string by the main group, leading them to discount the SWTOR folks' crucial feedback on Anthem.

Then you've got EA's toxic shareholder-driven focus on 'games as a service' emphasizing microtransactions and multiplayer modes.

Basically, it was a match made in hell. RPGs benefit from easy-to-use engines, so developers can focus on the story and so new game systems can be easily implemented. Particularly in Bioware's single-player, choice-driven games, multiplayer doesn't really make sense.

EA's approach is fine for trashy mass market games like FIFA or Battlefield, where there's minimal (if any) story and each game is a trivial iteration on the previous game with slight graphics updates or new weapons. It's a disaster for role-playing games.

Basically, Bioware has cultural issues, yes, but had they stayed an independent developer, they'd likely have encountered far fewer issues.

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