Start the vote on the new banner while redoing the vote on the pride month banner

Lets get this out of the way - I don't think you should redo the poll, I think this poll was a mistake to begin with. After the backlash you should've just nipped this in the bud until the dust settled but that didn't happen and now here we are. Frankly I don't give a rats ass about either the banner or the pride month, I use both Boost and RES, I can filter this out on any of my devices within seconds, it's that simple.

The problem is this - I use this alt account so I can say and visit the kind of shit that no well-adjusted person ever would nor should. Through it I let my degenerate side out for a walk and because of how fucked up I actually am I have to be very careful about where I do it and when I do it. Anyone who visited this profile would ponder whether I should be locked up in a mental asylum of not so suffice it to say, I scuttle like a cockroach when there is a spotlight painted on me.

Considering I use this account only when I'm comfortable, you can very well imagine how peeving it is to have this kind of shitstorm assblasted at my face from somewhere I carefully chose to go in order to avoid it. I'll give you an example of what I mean - when I go to r/funpiece, I expect to jack off to One Piece characters and not have a debate about Yamato's gender. As you may well imagine, it kills the boner quick. In the same vein, when I go to r/goodanimemes I don't want to have to explain to brigands that I'm neither homophobic nor transphobic, I just go there to laugh and shitty memes about anime and forget about everything else.

You say that mods have no other motivations, yet some of the mod comments imply the contrary. Considering how poorly this entire poll is being handled, I can't help but feel that another Trap Wars 2: Electric Boogaloo is in the making. Imagine how simple this would've been if there were two banners presented and we were given an option to choose whichever we liked the most. What we instead got were two very misleading choices that weren't elaborated on until poll was well underway. And there you have it, the long version of my two cents. Somehow I'm peeved more about this when I really shouldn't be, so please sort out this mess quickly. I don't want a repeat of what happened ten months ago.

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