This started out as a joke with my friend and it turned into this.

No, read my reply to the other redditor. My point is not that you can't use soft butch or high femme when describing your appearance. But you have to do so as a full on butch or femme, there is no in between. These terms have a lot of history in the lesbian community and say more about you than just apperance. I find futch offensive since it boils butch and femme down to just apperance. A butch that maybe isn't able to at the time perform masculinity isn't any less butch because of apperance. If you feel uncomfortable with femininity and wish to reject it than you might be butch. There is no point in futch. Just because a term doesn't apply to someone doesn't mean they have to try to find a way in. I would for instance call myself soft butch, but in the end I am just butch.

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