I started smoking when I was 16. Didn’t miss a day for 8 years. Now I’m 8 days into a tolerance break!

The guy above was just trying to be sweet and nice, and he was down-voted. Just because we don't want to quit and are functional smokers does not mean we are not addicts. Be proud of yourself and try to be nicer to people who are being nice and supportive of you.

"I started smoking when I was 16. Didn’t miss a day for 8 years."

Your exact words. This, my friend, is called an addiction. If you do a drug daily for 8 years straight (especially as a child as you stated) without a "miss", then that is very clearly addiction. I'm glad you are coming to terms that you need to cut way back, but don't harp on a guy for being sweet to you. That's just mean haha.

Much love! And good luck with the withdrawals. They will pass.

/r/Petioles Thread Parent