Started university a few weeks ago and I can't help but feel I'm burned out, should I consider taking a sabbatical?

What I did in my last year of highschool is not really a sabbatical to be honest, but I get why you might think that. Problem about the drop in desire to work is that it happened many years ago due to lack of a challenge and I think right now the problem is coming from perhaps making the wrong choice and also having a bad work ethic towards studying. The weird thing is that last year I also got into working out and dieting and I had no problem sticking to this rather strict life patern, so I know my problem isn't necessarily a lack of discipline entirely.

I think you're right about not knowing what job I'm interested in. I have no clue what I want to do and I feel like most jobs I can get that apply to my current major are simply just not right for me. Perhaps I'm not the right kind of interested in the classes I'm getting, maybe it's more like I don't hate it, but I also don't care about knowing more about it. I feel like physics entirely just isn't for me. In highschool a lot of fields in physics often felt like a chore now that I really think about it, maybe I should be looking more for a study that focuses on math entirely.

Thanks for your input!

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