Starting Couch to 5K (again) this week - any tips?

TL;DR do strength/HIIT training, have a nutrition plan, and have a distinct goal.

I tried C25K last year when I started getting serious about my fitness, but I had to stop after a few weeks of it getting harder and harder.

I realised I was doing so much cardio that my body was breaking down my MUSCLES to find the energy to fuel the running.

I’ve learned a lot since then, and I’ll share some of my top tips; - Have a goal. Are you building muscles? Losing fat? Losing weight (and don’t care if you’re losing muscle mass too)? - Consuming the right amount of calories is the most important factor in losing/gaining weight - You’re not eating enough protein - As a vegetarian, I was SEVERELY lacking in certain vitamins and essential nutrients. Research what your body needs and get to Holland & Barrett

An example of my daily vegetarian supplement needs (for a lean muscle mass gaining goal): - 1 ‘multivitamin’ tablet - 1000mg B12 (1x tablet) - ~3200mg Beta-Alanine (4x 800mg tablets) - ~5g Creatine (powder) - 2000mg Omega 3/6/9 (1 tablet)

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